Trencher - Soil Cutter for Special Equipment
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Trencher - Soil Cutter for Special Equipment

Views: 17     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-10-15      Origin: Site

Scope of application

The scope of application of trenchers is quite significant: from laying pipelines, telephone and telecommunication cables, water and sewer networks to gas pipelines in the ground.

The speed of soil cutting is several times higher than the standard method of soil excavation with a bucket. The trenches are smooth and of a given depth. The auger for soil removal from the edge of the trench prevents the trench from being filled back up.

The amount of soil removed by a trench digger is significantly less than when working with shovels or a bucket, which saves time on backfilling or, if necessary, removing this soil. In addition, the soil removed by a trench digger has a crushed fraction, compared to possible lumps when digging with a bucket, which also makes it easier to fill the trench.


Skid steer or backhoe loader?

Trenchers are usually purchased for some object where it is necessary to lay 30-40 kilometers of cable. We recommend using a skid steer loader for such objects; the mini-loader must have  an enhanced hydraulic flow HF  (high-flow). 

Why this choice? The fact is that a mini-loader allows you to simultaneously cut the soil and move forward. In the case of an excavator-loader, you will have to work with the handle without moving the machine itself. In addition, a skid steer loader is more stable when working with a trencher.


Choose a trencher model based on the capabilities of the equipment

As a rule, most customers start from the work they have to do. But everything, of course, depends on the capacity of the equipment you own.

To correctly select a trencher for the required cutting depth and width, it is necessary to know the weight of the excavator, its hydraulic flow (l/min), as well as the pressure in the hydraulic line for connecting the attachment.


How to find out the hydraulic characteristics of your equipment?

In the technical documentation or operating instructions, you can find the parameters of an additional hydraulic pump, but often you will not get the truth this way, since the configurations can be completely different.

The ideal option would be to check the hydraulic line using pressure gauges and a flow meter - a special device used to measure the flow of the hydraulic system (l / min). In this case, you will be 100% sure that you will buy a hitch that works on your excavator.


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